
Friday, October 10

Dealing with difficult behaviors, my next target.

outright defensive, unlistening => one of the worst clash with the difficult person I am ahaha. Instead of getting internal injuries and vomiting pints of blood every night, i'm gotta get on a roughter track but that would bring me a better desired outcome.

the tacklier one would be dealing with bosses. haiz, gotta learn some lessons the hard way, grind away with some of my thorns, to gain a little enlightenment...
同人不同命。就看看Uncle Goh 与患乳癌的华社会员,甚至是Alice。Uncle Goh 健步如飞,活潑开朗,他到过的地方都充满笑声;反观一些年长者,充满忧虑,忐忑不安,心事重重,人到哪把气氛都染灰了。我佩服Uncle Goh 开阔的胸襟,活跃的心境,和勤快的手脚。得向他多多的学习!

Saturday, March 8

feel all ready to work now- seriously bored these few days, which means enuf of 'idleness'(?) i guess.

right thumb and left pinky hurt now, but feel good, since i'm starting hard on my piano all over again, with resolution this time.

but thoroughly hate my duties in nusco. i cant help wondering what goes on behind the voice on the phone- wanna dig a fortune out of me? come on, its UR own co by the way. freak. i'm disgusted by myself as well- the acted tone and well thot out words, walao, puke. sales is not for me. but well, shall 'persevere and be focussed'. finish the crap i put out and nv dive into such impulsive decisions again.

today is mar 8, the deadline for 60% of the resumes sent. so tts two weeks of waiting for happeningness. meanwhile, read the papers again.

btw, yahoo mail is damn lousy

Tuesday, January 29

insatiable appetite for pancakes

thx to j, successfully made fluffy pannies today! this is the 3rd try i believe, so tts excellent haha. woke up at 5 to cook for bro, nice feeling. steps are as below:

crack 1 egg into a mug of milk (regular tea mug, not a measurement person)
add half tablespoon oil

to two palmfuls of self raising flour, add
two tablespoonheaps of sugar, mix
meanwhile, heat pan on low heat

pour liquid mixture to flour slowly, stirring all the while
take care to dissolve, but resulting misture should be thick (for fluffiness heh)
do all u can to eliminate lumps

add butter or drops of oil to pan, smooth over entire flat surface
pour half of batter right in centre of 20cm pan, allow to spread out (can help even out by tilting pan, but panni shouldnt be overly thin, unless u want a crispi, but this might not be the ideal recipe- might turn out rubbery)
wait for bubbles to pop, leaving pinholes (resemble acned face), u can up the heat
when pancake looks dry enough (bout 3min) use spatula to peel around the sides, then having loosened the entire carbo plateau, flip!
wait for one min (can check the underneath for browness) then serve!! (avoid the urge to flip a few times)

if the result isnt up to expectations, theres always honey or icecream... they cover up faults nicely=)

jus had macs hotcakes on sun... carboladler me.

Thursday, January 3

ANother step

into the unknown, more markedly perhaps by the addition of one to the last digit of the numerals 2007.

so what had i been up to, from the last encounter?

1. took a dz dip exam, and passed it; after much tremors had been inflicted on my innards; think somehow it wasnt worthwhile, 400bucks, ouch

2. fired my first jc kid, but got back another, and one is pending till he confirms his pae

3. hsinghai concert and chudiao; played zou xi kou, which was damn xiong, but felt myself improving, so hard work does pay off =)

4. got back with jen again; this much i'm glad off, if not for the snide remarks we always throw at each other, but still grateful for this reunion

5. quitted fr moe officially, so i am a FREEman now wahahaa; but i've to scour for jobs now, and man, tts some headache and price to pay for.... imagine, comfy and provided for in nie, but now kena nagged everyday, and worrying bout the dropping figures in my account all the time! price of freedom

tts bout all, nothin very exciting.. looking forward to CNY, pineapple puffs, hehbi springrolls, and beer, yum...

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