Sunday, August 27

zn treated us to dinner yest, in accrue to her being one of the first to join the working class. though there were jus 4 of us, it was pretty pleasant. had a good many laughs, esp when we were jus served our salad at the beginning. kept hearing a droning that seemed to come fr zn's side- fr inside the wall- and then one of the more impt-looking waiters came and he did something that came as quite a shlck to us, me at least. he motioned for sylv to move aside, and then he heaved the framed canvas studded with coins of all sorts upwards on the hinge, and voila, there was th ecircuit looking like thing and he then pushed a button which silenced off the fire alarm, all the while with zn leaning backwards in a gymnastic sort of way to get out of the canvas' way, and an expression like this :S its was damn hilarious, all of them looking solemn and intent to keep that thing quiet, and no apology was offered- reali cool.

food was surprisingly good, for the price of ard 20. place was at some ulu alley at the back of bugis jcn. and it was all spiced up by a coolish waiter and sylv, who entertained us with her incredible anecdotes of europe, like how she was already late for her gateway but was still captured for some translation work between the european staff and a chinese passenger, and how she ran all the way trying to cut q when she finali got free and was 20min late, and realised that the group in front of her was like an h late.... haha.

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